Announcing Veryl 0.13.0

The Veryl team has published a new release of Veryl, 0.13.0. Veryl is a new hardware description language as an alternate to SystemVerilog.

If you have a previous version of Veryl installed via verylup, you can get the latest version with:

$ verylup update

If you don't have it already, you can get verylup from release page.

Breaking Changes

Bounded generic parameter #917

Until Veryl 0.13.0, generic parameter couldn't have any restriction. So Veryl compiler couldn't judge whether the passed parameter is correct at the instantiation, and it generated the complicated error message.

module ModuleA {
    inst u: GenericModule::<X /* X is OK??? */> (

Veryl 0.13.0 adds the following bounds to generic parameter.

const means a constant value, type means any type. The example const and type is below:

// Generic module with const generic parameter
module ModuleA::<X: const> {

// Generic module with type generic parameter
module ModuleB::<X: type> {

Module prototype is more complicated, it shows what a module for the generic parameter should has as parameters and ports. The following ProtoA shows a module should have A and i_clk, and ModuleA satisfies the restriction. So ModuleA can be used as generic parameter of ModuleB which is bounded by ProtoA.

// Module prorotype
proto ProtoA #(
    param A: u32 = 1,
) (
    i_clk: input clock,

// ModuleA satisfies ProtoA
module ModuleA for ProtoA #(
    param A: u32 = 1,
) (
    i_clk: input clock,
) {

// Generic module with module prototype
module ModuleB::<X: ProtoA> {

module ModuleC {
    // ModuleA can be used as the generic parameter
    inst u: ModuleB::<ModuleA>;

Change from std to $std #930

Veryl 0.13.0 change the namespace of standard library from std to $std. This is because it clears that it is built-in namespace, and reduces conflict with general identifiers.

Change local to const #932

local keyword is derived from localparam of SystemVerilog. The naming is confusable becasue local looks "local scoped" and actually local of package can be seen globally. So Veryl 0.13.0 changes local to const because const is used for this usage in general programming languages.

module #(
    param X: u32 = 1    ,
    const Y: u32 = X + 1,
) {
    const Z: u32 = 1;

New Features

Support untyped enum declaration #902

If the type is omitted in enum declaration, Veryl compiler inserts appropriate type automatically.

enum A {

// This is equivalence with the above code
enum A: logic<2> {

Mermaid support for documentation comment #904

Mermaid is syntax to write diagrams. If ```mermaid is used in documentation comment, the code block is interpreted as Mermaid, and the generated diagram is shown in documentation.

/// ```mermaid
/// graph TD;
///     A-->B;
///     A-->C;
///     B-->D;
///     C-->D;
/// ```

Add enum_encoding attribute #915

Encoding of variant values in enum can be specified through enum_encoding attribute. The available encodings are sequential, onehot and gray.

enum A {

enum B {

enum C {

Completion of modport and struct member #934

veryl-ls supports completion of modport and struct member.

struct A {
    x: logic,
    y: logic,

var a: A;
let b: logic = a.
//              | `x` and `y` will be listed as completion candidates at inputting this period