Announcing Veryl 0.14.1

The Veryl team has published a new release of Veryl, 0.14.1. Veryl is a new hardware description language as an alternate to SystemVerilog.

If you have a previous version of Veryl installed via verylup, you can get the latest version with:

$ verylup update

If you don't have it already, you can get verylup from release page.

Resolving Regressions

This version aims to resolve regressions introduced in the previous version.

New Features

Improve port connection check #1327

Type cast at port connection caused reset type error, it is fixed correctly.

inst u: $sv::SvModule (
    // v0.14.0: `sv_with_implicit_reset` error
    // v0.14.1: no error
    i_rst_n: i_rst as reset_async_low,

Connecting unassignable type to output port becomes to be detected.

inst u: Module (
    out0: 1    , // error
    out1: x + 1, // error

Other Changes

Check out everything that changed in Release v0.14.1.