Announcing Verylup 0.1.2

The Veryl team has published a new release of Verylup, 0.1.2. Verylup is the official toolchain installer of Veryl. It installs the latest Veryl toolchain and eases to update and switch the toolchains.

There are two installation ways. In either case, executing verylup setup is required after installing.

Download binary

Download from release page, and extract to the directory in PATH.


You can install with cargo.

cargo install verylup

New Features

Self update support

Verylup 0.1.2 supports self binary updating. When verylup update is executed, both toolchain update and self update is done.

verylup update

Configuable default toolchain

If you want to change the default toolchain to a specific toolchain, verylup default can be used.

# set 0.11.0 as default toolchain
verylup default 0.11.0

Additionally, overriding default toolchain per directory is supported too. You can do verylup override set in your Veryl project.

# set 0.9.0 as default toolchain for the current project
verylup override set 0.9.0

Shell completion

Shell completion script can be generated by verylup completion. The supported shells are below:

For example, the following command generates a completion script of Verylup for zsh.

verylup completion zsh verylup

After Veryl 0.13.1 (which is not released yet), a completion script of veryl will be supported too like below:

verylup completion zsh veryl

About the usage of generated scripts, please refer the documentation of each shell.