verylup: Veryl toolchain installer

verylup is the official toolchain installer of Veryl. It installs the latest Veryl toolchain and eases to update and switch the toolchains.


There are two installation ways. In either case, executing verylup setup is required after installing.

Download binary

Download from release page, and extract to the directory in PATH.


You can install with cargo.

cargo install verylup


verylup can be used like below:

// Setup verylup (only once at first)
verylup setup

// Update the latest toolchain
verylup update

// Install a specific toolchain
verylup install 0.12.0

// Show installed toolchains
verylup show

After installing verylup, verion specifier by + can be used in veryl command like below:

// Use the latest toolchain
veryl build

// Use a specific toolchain
veryl +0.12.0 build
veryl +latest build

For Veryl Developer

For Veryl developer, a special toolchain target local is prepared. If verylup install local is executed in your local Veryl repository, the built toolchain is installed as local toolchain. local becomes the default toolchain if it exists.

// Build and install the toolchain from local Veryl repository
verylup install local

// Use the built toolchain
veryl build

// Use the latest toolchain
veryl +latest build